Saturday 24 August 2013

Week 9 : Knowledge Management Systems

On 2 of August 2013 we had our lecture 10 of TKM 1291 Introduction to Knowledge Management . The topic of this lecture was Knowledge Management Systems. Basically as usual , we went through on the learning outcomes firstly. The outcomes that we must know are :

·         To explain the nature of systems thinking

·         To describe knowledge management systems and key drivers

·         To distinguish between the different types of knowledge management systems

·         To discuss how knowledge management systems contribute to the knowledge process

·         To discuss critical issues for successful knowledge management system development and implementation


  Madam  have discussed what a system all about is. We can say that a system:

·         Has elements.

·         Has relationships between elements; could be causal or feedback loops.

·         Has a limit.

·         Has an environment outside the boundary.

·         Has an input and an output.

Figure 1: General characteristics of a system
We can say that there was a high productivity and throughput in 1960s. Nowadays, the business strategy has been enhanced. This is in term of:
·         Enable knowledge capture and exchange
Ø  Openly, freely, readily.
·         Facilitate the acquisition, documentation, transfer, creation and application of knowledge.
·         Ensure greater knowledge functionality.
Ø  Maintain a record of all electronic assets.
Ø  Automatically indexing, and categorization.
Ø  Personal customization.

Figure 2
Basically there is a range of supporting technologies in four areas of activity. They are:
·         Business process management.
·         Content management.
·         Web content management.
·         Knowledge applications management.
In the aspects of technical:
·         Smooth the progress of development and construction.
·         Support organization’s business operation.
·         Technologically driven with complex databases and CMS.
·         The examples are: financial management, HR management, records management, CRM.
The strategic used are:
·         Guides and shapes the construction of KMS.
·         Builds commercial strategy.
·         Directly affects KMS.
Ø  Decides who will be able to access.
Ø  Which knowledge has highest priority.
Ø  How knowledge admission should be supported.
Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

A part from that, we also studied about:
Ø  Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS). EDMS is a union of document processing, imaging and IT. It combines text with digital audio and video.
Ø  Decision Support System (DSS). DSS assists in decision making by combining data, analytical tools and models to support structured and unstructured decisions.
Ø  Group Decision Support System. It is an Interactive system to facilitate solution of unstructured problems working in a group.
Ø  Executive Support Systems (ESS): ESS usually helps senior managers with unstructured problems. The manager can keep away from information overload by filtering organisational data into graphical form.
Ø  Performance Support System (PSS): PSS assists groups or individuals to perform certain tasks and it might include multimedia delivery and use techniques such as expert systems and natural language recognition.
Ø  Workflow Management System (WMS): It allocates documents and other forms of knowledge to be routed among individuals and applications according to predefined processes.
Ø  Customer Relationship Management System (CRM): CRM helps to organize all business and technological processes dealing with the customer.
Finally we can conclude that KMS can significantly improve the knowledge management. Different kind if subsystems contribute a lot to the KMS. Knowledge user receiving is vital to the successful accomplishment of KMS.

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