Monday, 24 June 2013

Week 3 : Tutorial 2

On 18 of June , We had our second tutorial section of  TKM 1291 Introduction to Knowledge Management . So before we start Madam have requested from us the final confirmation of the participant  who are willing to go the field trip to Bank Negara Malaysia on Wed 26 of June. Then we have start to discuss about ( KLMC) Knowledge Management Life Cycle and how is important to us and what are the critical processes Dalkir' Integrated KM Life Cycle and how they are related to each other. Then we have discussed one case about how to learn to make a cup of tea using Dalkir' Integrated KM Life Cycle.

Then after we finish discussing our tutorials questions Madam conducted for us an activity which was How to fold your T-shirt in considering seconds . So first at the first stage Madam just spelled out the orders step by step which was so difficult for us to follow and make it successfully. Then she at the second stage Madam showed us the orders written in the Microsoft word which was a bit easier than the first stage because now the idea is more clear than before. Lastly at the third stage madam finally have showed the video on YouTube , now was so obvious for us the to follow and most of us was able to fold the T-shirt on only two seconds . finally madam have chose the best three who was able to make and conduct a contest between them . Then the fastest one was our friend Zharif . Finally madam explain to us that the purpose of this activity was to show us that IT people prefer the visual knowledge more than any other types of knowledge.

Here is the video of ( How To Fold a T-shirt in 2 sec ) :-


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