Monday, 17 June 2013

Week 2 : Knowledge Management (KM) Life Cycle

On 14 of June, we had our second lecture of this interesting subject. So as usual Madam have greeted us and start our lecture by requesting from us to draw a life cycle  as describing of our daily routine activity as a student. So the idea of this activity was to know that we all have different life cycles and different kinds of life styles. Then we have learned the life cycle of KM which is refers to the route information follows in order to become transformed into a valuable strategic asset for the organization. It consists of  seven major phases which are : Creation , Capture , Codification , Sharing , Accessing , Application and Reuse .

Then we have discussed the four types of life cycles which are the Zack & Meyer km life cycle , The Bukowitz and Williams KM life cycle , The McElroy KM life cycle and WIIG KM life cycle.  So When everyone seems sleepy Madam have decided to give us five minutes as a break .Then she have requested from our friend Zharif to  demonstrate for us how to play "Teng Teng" . Zharif have tried to show how to play but he ended up with a brief explanation about how to play. By this activity madam main objective was to show us that how is difficult to transfer the knowledge that we have to others without using a proper mediums or tools.

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